Friday 17 January 2014

Guest Vs. Hired Photographer

I don't usually have a problem with guests taking pictures at weddings; I've usually found guest photographers to be courteous and understanding about the difficulty of the job. But what annoys me are the people who step in front of you with their smart phones or ipads because they want "a picture for themselves" as if I was just here to take pictures and keep them all to myself.

Getting in the way of the hired wedding photographer is a definite no-no, but can be easy to do when you’re trying to get good shots; I completely understand but, try to stay out of the hired photographer’s frame.

A few issues I’ve had to handle:
  • ·         Don’t pull aside the bride and groom to take your own portraits of them, do it when the bride and groom aren’t busy with the hired photographer.
  • ·         Taking a picture of a group and they don't know whether to look at the hired photographer or one of the smart phones. It’s easy to be commanding and say loudly, "Everyone please look at me", but that can become very annoying.
  • ·         Taking action shots of the bride and groom and the guests start to push you out of the way so that they can get the shot. The hired photographer was HIRED to do this job!

You’re the guest. The bride and groom hired someone else to capture the memories of their wedding day. If you interfere in some way with the hired professional photographer, it is inconsiderate towards the bride and groom.

So please just be a guest and enjoy the wedding.  

A few missed shots: